2015-16 Term 2 Week 5: Learning Journal – UoPeople

Notes, notes, notes and more notes. Now that week 5 is under wraps it’s time for final preparations for the 2nd graded quiz of the term. I’ve switched up a few things in my routine since I first started here. Mainly I stopped using my laptop for notes as much, and have reverted to the old fashioned pen and paper.

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2015-16 Term 2 Week 1: Learning Journal – UoPeople

First week of my new course at UoPeople and wow, has the course load changed! I’m really glad I’m sticking to just one course per term now, because there is just so much to learn in CS1103 that I’d hate to not be able to take it all in.

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Gamification – What Makes a Game, a Game?

There is a project that has started at my school, UoPeople, that is interested in the gamification of the APA style of academic writing. I thought I’d share my initial input to the project with you.

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UoPeople – Week 6: Making a Sacrifice

Week 6 at UoPeople is almost complete!

It was Victoria Day weekend here in Canada, which made for a very busy weekend filled with distractions, and obligations, making it difficult to keep up with my school work. With some careful planing, prioritizing and sacrifice, I was able to find a way to balance school, work, and play this weekend… Let’s talk about it.

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UoPeople – Week 5 – Learning From Mistakes

Learning from mistakes made during week 5.

Today marks the last day of my 5th week at UoPeople. I’m still moving along strong in my courses but I have made a big mistake this week that I’d like to share with you. Find out what UoPeople is here.

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