For those who haven’t been following along, I just recently finished my fourth term at University of the People. It already feels like it’s been so long, yet I’m only just begun my journey. I always make a point to review each term, and summarize my experience, as well as some thoughts about the school; these thoughts are usually quite critical. This time I’m going to focus more on what’s good, because there is a lot
Tag: review
The Unfinished Swan – Quickie Review
Last month The Unfinished Swan was featured on PSN for free to Playstation Plus members. I thought the game looked interesting at the time of release, but as I don’t game as often as I used to so I decided to postpone buying it.
UoPeople – Week 6: Making a Sacrifice
Week 6 at UoPeople is almost complete!
It was Victoria Day weekend here in Canada, which made for a very busy weekend filled with distractions, and obligations, making it difficult to keep up with my school work. With some careful planing, prioritizing and sacrifice, I was able to find a way to balance school, work, and play this weekend… Let’s talk about it.