2015-16 Term 3 Week 1: Learning Journal – UoPeople

Awesome, 1 week down already. 8 more, and I’ll have finished an entire year at University of the People – feels great to have made it this far already! The 1st week of Software Engineering started out a little rough, but I think I’m back into the swing of things now. Today I share a bit of insight into what I’m learning this term’s course.

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UoPeople 2015-16 Term – 2 Review

For those who haven’t been following along, I just recently finished my fourth term at University of the People. It already feels like it’s been so long, yet I’m only just begun my journey. I always make a point to review each term, and summarize my experience, as well as some thoughts about the school; these thoughts are usually quite critical. This time I’m going to focus more on what’s good, because there is a lot

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2015-16 Term 2 Week 1: Learning Journal – UoPeople

First week of my new course at UoPeople and wow, has the course load changed! I’m really glad I’m sticking to just one course per term now, because there is just so much to learn in CS1103 that I’d hate to not be able to take it all in.

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Difference Between ‘=’ and ‘==’ in Progamming

In this week at school, our discussion assignment asked us to post about the difference between ‘=’ and ‘==’ in Python. I put a pretty decent amount of effort in this assignment, so I thought I’d share it here.

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UoPeople – Term 2: Week 5

Hello again! Yesterday was the beginning of week 5 for my second term at UoPeople. Regretfully I have not been keeping up with my blog as consistently as I would like. For those who have found my posts enjoyable and interesting, I apologize.

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My First Term at UoPeople – Summary

This past weekend I completed both of my final exams for my first term at UoPeople! I can’t believe how fast 9 weeks flew by! Today I’d like to recap on my experiences.

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UoPeople – week 9 – Exams

I can’t believe how fast the last 8 weeks went by! It feels like I’ve been stuck in a vacuum on a conveyor belt of assignments. I finally submitted the very last of my assignments for term 4 (my first term) yesterday, and now today marks the first day of exam week.

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The Unfinished Swan – Quickie Review

Last month The Unfinished Swan was featured on PSN for free to Playstation Plus members. I thought the game looked interesting at the time of release, but as I don’t game as often as I used to so I decided to postpone buying it.

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The Snooze Bar Won’t Bring You Success – WAKE UP!


I’m sure I’m not alone when I say things like, “I want to be more productive”, or “I would like to get out of bed earlier”. Sometimes we go as far as to say “I’m waking up at x time tomorrow”, and we set an alarm for that x time.

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