The first unit, is about getting to know the school, getting familiar with the learning environment (Moodle), and school policies. When I took it last year, the first assignment was a scavenger hunt. You’re asked to find different information pertaining to the school.
After that, the rest of the course is heavily based on learning strategies, such as note taking, reading, and learning the APA 6 format used in assignments. You can learn APA here:
You will also learn about plagiarism, and how to avoid it, you’ll learn how to validate information you find for your papers, and you’ll learn about resources for finding academic journals, and how to use the open source library available at UoPeople.
Here’s a few links from the learning materials that you can go over:
There are many many resources for this course. It’s built up from a lot of different online sources, unlike other courses which usually have a main text book.
So it’s very difficult to show you all of the content in the course. However the contents of this UNIV 1001 is crucial. If you plan to study at UoPeople, you should plan to focus a lot of your time and energy on it. The skills and strategies you learn from this course are going to be needed for the next 4 years and onward.