Video Games – Why Do We Play Them?

I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on the reasons why people play video games. I’m trying to understand as deeply as possible what makes games different from other forms of entertainment. Even more so, to understand a bit more about myself by understanding what it is that compels me to even pick up a controller or a keyboard, and why video games became a life long love, rather than just a childhood past time meant to be grown out of.

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Gamification – What Makes a Game, a Game?

There is a project that has started at my school, UoPeople, that is interested in the gamification of the APA style of academic writing. I thought I’d share my initial input to the project with you.

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Playing Zelda – When you have no time

It was not too long ago that I posted about fitting video games into a busy lifestyle. From the post it could be gathered that playing Zelda is no longer a possibility for us parents of young children. Continue reading Playing Zelda – When you have no time

Super Meat Boy – Review (For Busy Dads)

Super Meat Boy logo

 Super Meat Boy

I’ve decided my first review for the “Busy Dads” (and moms) series, will be a game that sets the bar for pick-up-and-go gaming! Super Meat Boy! This game definitely isn’t news to many, but for those of you dads that haven’t had the time to keep up with every game that comes out, I’ll give you a brief overview before we dive in.

Continue reading Super Meat Boy – Review (For Busy Dads)

Gaming For Busy Parents – How to Fit Gaming Into Your Busy Schedual

Babies are amazing! Being sleep deprived with a puke stain on your shoulder, and a baby finally sleeping after hours of bouncing and cooing, you’re probably not agreeing. But while your little frogger naps in his sleeper, you’re trying to figure out how the hell to get back into gaming.

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How Do Games Today, Affect Our Kids?

buster sword from final fantasy 7 video game

Tonight, I had the pleasure of looking after my six year old nephew. I had my laptop sitting on the ottoman, and the background was a picture of Aerith, from Final Fantasy 7. To my enjoyment he asked “who’s that?”. I started explaining to him, and he asked me all sorts of questions about the game! He was so interested I showed him some game play on the internet, and he asked me if I had the game. Of course, I do have FF7, and so I busted out the game that defined a generation!

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