Comments on: Turning the page… again. Blogger | Student | Programmer Tue, 04 Dec 2018 10:59:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan Fletcher Wed, 03 May 2017 19:12:01 +0000 Hey, Alex! Thanks so much for you comment!

Whether or not a CS degree from UoPeople will help you find a job, is up to the individual. Personally I don’t see a CS degree from UoPeople any different than a CS degree from anywhere else. No one is going to care if you studied at Harvard, if you don’t know how to do the job. Especially in software/web development, there are way more factors to what makes a good candidate than their degree.

A pros vs cons post is a great idea, and I really should do one of those.

But I also have this post from a while back where I wrote up a review of my experiences after about one year into the program. I think it’ll be helpful 🙂


By: Alex W.Lychak (@lishkon) Wed, 03 May 2017 14:33:22 +0000 Hi Dan! Thanks for keeping blogging. I am blessed beyond the measure when reading these. I am considering enrolling UoPeople this coming fall, so I am doing a little research on how good is it, will I be able to find a job having this kind of education (i mean a CS program from UoPeople). I am not sure if I found answers in your blog, but you are the only one so far I met who studies/ied at UoPeople, so I hope this is worth trying. Let me know if you have some special posts about UoPeople benefits or pros/contras. Cheers!

By: Dan Fletcher Sat, 22 Apr 2017 01:01:40 +0000 Hey Dieune! Thanks for the comment. Hope you’ve been well 🙂

By: Dieune Stfleur Mon, 10 Apr 2017 02:35:27 +0000 Congrats Dan and I hope things keep going your way.
