It’s sort of crazy how many times my life seems to have completely changed since I started blogging, but it’s about to happen again. For the first time in a long time, I feel like things are going to get a lot better and stay pretty decent for a while.
The last time I posted an update on my blog, I was after a job at a place called Vehikl. They are a Laravel shop here in Ontario, and if you’re involved with Laravel at all you probably have seen their logo a time or two since they are always a top sponsor of Laracon.
I ended up finding another job where I’m working as a Laravel developer before anything happened with Vehikl. It would have been awesome to work there but the timing just wasn’t right.
RoomRoster is the company I work at now, and have been there for 5 weeks now. It’s been amazing, to say the least, and I’m really happy there so far.
That said, I’m right back to absurd amounts of driving again… My commute is about 1.5 hours both ways right now 🙁 When I first landed the job I was still in the middle of Web Programming 1, which is why you guys haven’t seen a blog post or a video from me in a while – I’ve just been completely overwhelmed learning a new job, balancing school with family and driving has been eating about 15 hours or more per week.
So yeah… I’m taking yet another leave of absence from school, which I probably can’t afford to take, but I need the break so bad!
The driving has been absolute hell, and I’m ****ing sick of it. I’m irritable, I’m tired, my back is killing me, and I can’t sleep without dreaming of a steering wheel.
BUT – great news around the corner. My wife has been working her ass off hunting for places to live in London, which is where RoomRoster is by the way. We found a place and we’re moving in May!! I don’t swear often on this blog, but fuck driving! Fuck it so hard! I can’t wait for this move, and my commute to literally be 10 min!!!
I’m pumped to be back to my normal self, full of determination and enthusiasm in everything I do, for my own health, and for my family too.
Along with having the time and energy to spend more quality time with my family, I’ll be getting back into blogging as frequently as I used to too.
Not sure what’s happening with YouTube videos yet. I’ll have to reassess my goals with that channel after the move. It was fun to wing a few videos, but I’m not happy with the overall quality or presentation.
I may end up redoing the web dev series, or even just be changing up the topic completely – not 100% sure yet, sorry ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, work has been going great! I’m learning a ton, and although I am crazy busy, I should be getting some posts out soon with real substance lol. I can’t wait to share everything I’ve learned!
Congrats Dan and I hope things keep going your way.
Hey Dieune! Thanks for the comment. Hope you’ve been well 🙂