I haven’t given up on blogging. I promise. No really, it’s something I still do I swear. In case you were worried (I know you all were 🙂 ), everything is fine. I just went on a short hiatus to recuperate from a stressful term at school. But I’m back!
So this post is just really just to let you guys know I still plan on being active with this blog. So I’ll try to keep it short and sweet.
Long story short, I got overwhelmed with my last term and hit a point where I wasn’t sure if I’d pass my course or not. Balancing the insane amount of reading, stresses at work, in my home at the time, and all of the driving I’ve been doing wore me out and I had to find a way to get a break.
Unfortunately, that break was made by slacking on my commitment to this blog – sorry!
I also decided to take this term off so I can keep up with the holiday season and log a few extra, but much-needed, hours of sleep in my routine. So there are no more learning journals until I’m back to school in January.
However, I’ve recently decided that I usually don’t have much to share in my learning journals these days anyway – or at least, that was the case for the last term. What I recently started thinking of was switching to a “dev journal” where I document what I learn as a developer.
I think it would be a huge benefit for myself, but also worth sharing for other students who are seeking a career path similar to mine. Or really any other aspiring dev – not just UoPeople students.
Sorry for such a long run of inactivity. I think I need to learn how to do more short posts like this when I have lulls in my creativity and ambitions to write so that you all know I’m still alive.
More regular posts to come in the near future – I promise!