University of the People – Accepted!!!

Watch the video to learn about UoPeople.

To summarize the video, I’ll just rip the description straight from the site. “University of the People (UoPeople) is the world’s first non-profit, tuition-free, accredited, online academic institution dedicated to opening access to higher education globally for all qualified individuals, despite financial, geographic or societal constraints.”

Basically it’s an opportunity for me to get a BS in Computer Science, without having to move my family, or rack up tens of thousands of dollars in dept. It’s also possible for me to work while studying for my degree, as the hours of learning are done on my own time, making school very flexible! The biggest challenge is going to be staying disciplined while not having strict schedules to abide by.

I intend to keep up with my blog, sharing information I learn along the way. Hopefully this will help keep me motivated and on track with my academic goals. My blog will also be a great way for anyone unsure about UoPeople, to see my reviews of the material and quality of education.

Looking forward to sharing my experiences with all of you. I start April 9th of this year, so look for a blog post about my first impressions soon! You can find a link to the University of the People website at the bottom.



~ Dan


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